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Health check up in USA

Pujya Deepakbhai arrived at New York on 1st June night. Undergone complete health check up next day. With the grace of Dada-Ma and all Dev Devis all the test showed improvements in all respect. Bones and other organs are more stronger compared to last year test result.

In 2006 while we were in Rajkot having lunch, a mahatma called and shared a dream in which Niruma was saying "દીપક ને કહેજે કે બધુ ખાય, ઍને કશુ નહી થાય, અમે ઍનિ તબિયત નુ ધ્યાન રાખિયે છિયે."

Could still remeber how was Deepakbhai health before 3 years, getting tired easily, 1st one to contact all kind of infection, always sneezing and running nose, cannt follow hectic routine. Compared to that no such symptoms Now, following one of the most tight schedule day after day since last 3 years still looking Everfresh, Everyoung than all of us.

Can our intellect argue against such a Grace.

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  • Health check up in USAPujya Deepakbhai arrived at New York on 1st June night. Undergone complete health check up next day. With the grace of Dada-Ma and all Dev Devis all t… Read More

  1 comment:

  1. may allmy punyayi,if any,should go 2 PUJAYSHREE and may he be healthy 4 ever and ever and ever...and do lot of jagat kalyan
