Explore the world of Akram Vignan

Bhuj Mandir

Pujya Deepakbhai studied Bhuj Mandir construction in detail and made important and appropriate changes.

Getting ready for December Pratistha.

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  1. Perfect photos. Amaru Nidhidyasan strong thaygayu photos joy ne....

  2. prasann suthar,
    such as it is a really the giganticest event than ceremony of bhuj pran pratishtha mahotsav.

    i was see from my own eye the gretest praan pratishtha of simandhar swami in bhuj trimandir at 25-12-2009.

    So, let's enjoy & celebrate with gigantically
    01st praan pratishtha day of SHREE SIMANDHAR SWAAMI at 25-12-2010.

    I am very very happy, see the LIVE GREATEST ARIHANT TIRTHANKAR BHAGWAAN.
