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સેનાપતિ તૈયાર કરવા જઇયે છિયે

Pujya Deepakbhai have gone to a nearby resort place for a five day shibir of Celibacy with Behno and then 5 day with bhaiyo. While going Deepakbhai asked all mahatma to bless all attendees and said that "સેનાપતિ તૈયાર કરવા જઇયે છિયે"

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  1. Jaisatchitanand,
    Hea Dada mari prathna swikaro, badha Bhaio ane Behno ne KHUB KHUB shakti appjo ke jethi kari ne tamaru Vignan jem chhe tem Yatharth rupe Behno/Bhaio ne dharan thay jaay ne Kriyakari rupe pariname.. Ane Jagan ne Tamaru Viganan pochade ane KHUB KHUB kalyan kare. Deepakbhai ne amara khub naman.
