Surat SatsangPujya Deepakbhai took blessings from Umiya Ma before Satsang in Surat.One of the Highlight of the Satsang:To a question of whether we should speak in …Read More
Informal Satsang with Surat MahatmaMahatma appreciated very much the support of Gnan, Prem & Huf given by Pujya Deepakbhai by coming 2 days earlier and listening to their relative i…Read More
A day before 57th BirthdayAs Pujya Deepakbhai has said not to celebrate his relative birthday (9th May) no formal functions have been planned. Still Surat Mahatma because of th…Read More
Happy Birthday PujyashreeTo View short video pl paste the url:…Read More
Surat VideoA short video showing Bhakti of Surat Mahatma is nicely captured. To see pl past the url:…Read More
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