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Satsang in nature with Sinchan Sadhaks

V have came to a Ashram set up in a complete natural surroundings full of greens, river, cool breeze @11 am (in torrid summer days) where P'shree is going to spend whole day with Aptasinchan Sadhaks.

Satsang sixer : To a mahatma who was expecting an appreciation, Dada remarked, Looking for a Refund?, One will never go for it if he is full of Own Fund (Like Dada)

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  1. JSCA Dimplebhai....First of all, thanks for keeping us updated with so many events happening...
    Secondly,I know I am not yet elligible to become Aptaputra, but just out of curiosity, what exactly these Aptaputra be studying which makes them ready in 3 years? Do they undergo special systematic study of this science or just reading books and watching DVDs?
    Can all Mahatamas be made aware about this process, so at least we get start making Bhaav to DADA or atleast try and follow the right approach to gain maximum benifit?

  2. Sorry I was suppose to put the comment under new 18 Aptaputras being trained by Pujya Shree...

  3. Its a very detailed process and still v r in process of refinning it as v r also in learning phase. apart from books and dvds there are various other mediuem thru which they are getting trainning for JK work. for them it is not only important to go to moksh but also to get read to become nimit of JK. for mhtm thrust is more on going to moksh.
