Explore the world of Akram Vignan

Y-MHT (Girls) shibir at Sim. City

450 Teenaged girls (17-21) came for the shibir at sim. city.  Boys shibir is arranged next week. Kids camp for boys and girls aged 7 to 12 and 13 to 16 has been arranged at 7 different places. We are seeing high absorption level for Dada teachings in Youngsters as Niruma said that 1 day we give to Youngsters is equal to 10 days we give to grown-ups.

Shibir sessions includes Activity based learning, group discussions, interactive sessions, team spirit, learning with fun etc. (see the photos). IMG_82531.JPG-1 P1110928     





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Shibirs sessions are planned after carefully studying various mediums and which are the ones they will accept the most. In initial days (year 1999) we followed traditional method of question – answer satsangs. But as we learned over the years that such sessions doesn't appeal them much and they feel bored hearing the same thing again and again, we experimented with various mediums and are improving with each passing shibir and they are our best teachers.


  1. really we enjoyed alot,
    thx to all didis who made so much efforts for us
    most memorable events-SATSANG with PUJYSHREE,DARSHAN
    experiences shared by didis,bhakti after PRABHAT-FERI,GARBA,and game at LAKE-FROSH GAME,special videos and clips shown,mouth watering food and ICE-CREAM
    and most important -"the environment of SIMANDHAR CITY"
    made lots of new friends
    Girls please dont miss it next time

  2. I wish I could have attend have it...

  3. yeah it was really great..actually the best of all da shibirs till now..and the impression topic was awesome..had neva thought of before!!
    and of course a big THANKS to all didis and pujyashree for his darshan...!!!
