Pujya Deepakbhai went to beach with all mahatma and did vidhi and pray for entire mankind. It was mahatma wish to pray for all (humans and animals) who were affected by recent oil spill in Gulf of Mexico.
Parayan August 2014Nice photos (taken by Drone camera)of Parayan at Dada Nagar, Simamdhar city on Aptvani 3 & 7 which was attended by tens of thousands mahatma. …Read More
Pune satsang and Gnanvidhi 850 people took Gnan in Pune.Some photos of general satsang and Sewarthi satsang where Pshree announced Dada JJ 2015 in pune - 1st JJ in Hindi. …Read More
Simandhar city Gnanvidhi1225 people took Gnan in Dadanagar (more than gigantic) hall. People from surrounding area and also from far places (Sri Lanka) came for Gnanvidhi.&nb…Read More
ReplyDelete'dadai karuna' bhadke badta jagat ne tharo ane sahu ne aa mate prarthna karvani shakti apo.