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Leicester Gnanvidhi

80 People (20 English) took gnan in Leicester. Entire hall was overflowing with old mahatma who had come from far places. Since 2004 Pujya Ma and Deepakbhai is continuously coming to Leicester as it is central place for many surrounding area. Previous Gnanvdihi in Leicester has become instrument for many current mahatma from different centers like Manchester, Birmingham, Bradford, Bolton etc. in northern UK. Many from them have started arranging weekly satsang and Pujyashree satsang.

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  1. have em lage che ke aa badha india aavse to simandharcity nanu padse!!wel come to dada pariwar.

  2. JSCA...Welcome to all new 80 mahatmas in Dada's Group.

  3. dada bhagwan na asim jai jai kar ho

  4. the world is our Simandhar city jya jya vasey chhey dada no mahatma,tya chotho aaro vartay.

  5. aa badha mahatma o ni hava thi j aa jagat akhay nu kalyan thase-aapna sau na dada mahan che
