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Chennai Gnanvidhi

550 people took Gnan in Chennai.

Historically Chennai is the place where Pujya Niruma came couple of times in 90's, but nobody were interested and only 1 seeker (hard to believe now)  came to satsang. Niruma used to jokingly tell Ajitbhai - Sanghpati without Sangh. But now because of the grace, (which we can see from below video, how Niruma is pulling everybody to Gnan) the hall with the capacity of 1000 to sit was full with old and new mahatma. 

A video (audio not very clear) of a new seeker from Malaysia who specially came to take Gnanvidhi. He was sharing his experience that he once saw a lady in white saree (Ma) on youtube but then he switched it off. He could switch of computer but he couldn't switch off Niruma from his mind. He was getting pulled so he again saw video of Niruma next day and then read many articles and books on website, then he finally decided that this is what I want and came all the way from Malaysia to chennai. 

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  1. jsca
    it is amazing response from chennai,next year will have many more.dada ni aseem krupa and niruma's love coming together in deepakbhai. jsca from nj

  2. JSCA
    After coming from US 2 years back prayed to Dada that somehow Tamil Nadu people should get the beautiful Science. Felt so happy that Pujyashree came to Chennai and so many people were saved from drowning. I really wish many Cd's to be translated in Tamil so that more & more people get the Science and attain Moksh.

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  4. relish mahatmas.....from a small room having satsang with handful of people, Dada Bhagwan parivar is now growing leaps & bounds in all directions.

    This is the power of "purity".

    Finally Sri Ajitbhai has every reason to smile....patience is rewarded.


  5. It is nice to know that more and more people are getting aware of their real purpose of life through this gnan and Gnani. Thank you so much Deepakbhai for coming to Chennai. It was just a dream come true. You gave us an opportunity to be able to spend maximum time with you. Thanks to all the co-ordinators at Chennai who made this possible. Waiting for Deepakbhai to come to Chennai again.

  6. Very True Urvi.Its really a dream come true..Wish Deepak Bhai visits Chennai every year and enlighten all of us!Thank you Dada
