Niruma Maha Nirvan
Mahatma came in Big Numbers (8000-10000, twice then expected), to celebrate Pujya Niruma’s 4th Punyatithi. The atmosphere in the city was electrifyin…Read More
Adalaj Gnanvidhi3200 New Mumukshu took gnan (120 Hindi speaking, 15 from Germany). Entire Mandir complex, Gigantic Hall, Mandir above and Outside space were full with…Read More
Arrived @ LondonPujya Deepakbhai arrived Heathrow Airport in the evening welcomed by lot of Mahatma who came for Darshan and Vidhi. Satsang is planned for 4…Read More
BA Flight Operating NormalInspite of crew strike everything is Normal and on time and Pujyashree is on way to London for all Punyashalis of UK & Europe.Sent from my iPhone…Read More
Pagla pade tyan chotho aaro vartay!! Anand Anand Ubharay...Haiyu Jalu na jalay, Gnani sange.....