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Arrival in Uganda

Pujyashree arrived Kampala, Uganda – a first time for Akram Science to come in this country. As usual a VIP status was conferred to the visit and wherever Pujyashree will travel a Police escort will be leading the convoy.

Very good response to yesterday satsang and many new people are expected to come today.

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  1. JSCA.Warm Welcome of Pujyashree in UGANDA.....Dada's Akram Express is going on and on with hard work of Pujyashree and their team with Krupa / Blessing of DADA-MA-SWAMI....

  2. jsca! .....................

  3. Kampala is file #1's birthplace. File #1 is very happy to know p'shree's pagla in this place. Anand anand ubharai che. File #1's prayer is that "May all the people of Kampala, Uganda, East Africa and whole world gets dada's gnan and moksha gati ne pame.So many relative bodies were killed in 197o's.May all those real souls rest in peace.....JSCA

  4. no pictures ? Dimplebhai please post some pictures of Pujyashree's arrival to a new land, a request only
