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Jamnagar Satsang

Very good response on 1st day. Various religious heads (Jain, Kabir Ashram etc) are coming to satsang. Couple of Jain monks came to meet and were ready to take Gnan but since Gnanvidhi is arranged after sun set they will try next time.


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  1. Dada nu gnan jagat ma khub vadhe evi bhavana sathe jsca...

  2. Jem Lakhota Lake pase Mandirma Akhand Ram-Bhajan chale chhe tem Jamnagarna Mahatmao Pratyax Gnani sange Atma-Ranjan ma rachta thai gaya hoy tevu lage chhe.....

    Saras...saras.... Khub Saras.

    Dimplebhai Aava j Best Angle wala photo mukta rahejo.... Thanks.


  3. Thank you Dimplebhai for sharing. JSCA.
