Explore the world of Akram Vignan

Germany Gnanvidhi

330 people took Gnan. Seekers from 15-20 countries have come for experience of Akram. Dada-Ma grace is flowing everywhere.

some photos of informal time, satsang and Gnanvidh.

Some videos…..

A German Mahatma who took Gnan last year, was hunter and killed hundreds of animals. After Gnanvidhi he totally stopped hunting. Nobody told him to do so but gnan automatically brought changes. He was asking now how to do pratikraman. Pshree did special vidhi for him and showed him exact way how to come out of karm bondage with that animals.


  1. jsca
    welcome mahatmas to dada & co.of moksha.price of share is free.

  2. jagat kalyan dhamdhokat!!

