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A very touching Gnan Experience

Sharing a very touching experience after Gnanvidhi which a Mahatma sent to DadaBhagwan.org

Dear Webmaster,
I now know whose Mother died...

I took Gnan two and a half years ago. For eleven years up to that day I was deeply mourning my Mother's sudden death. My Mother died abroad and I was not with her at the time. The whole duration that she was on holiday I heard a voice in my head, continuously saying "you are not going to see your Mother again". The voice was not mine, but I remember that it was very calm with a great deal of certainty. It came true; my Mother indeed lost her life due to a heart attack during her journey back home. The very evening after attaining Gnan I immediately realised who I was and whose Mother had in fact died. It was as if I had truly woken up and was surrounded by glorious sunshine. Absolutely everything made sense and an overwhelming sense of freedom and stillness with jubilation began. It seems impossible to experience three very different feelings simultaneously, but anything and everything is possible with Dada's grace. May all living beings find the light of love and joy that I have found. Aapna Dada mahaan chhe!

Jai Sat Chit Anand!

- Posted using Blogger from my iPad

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  1. Adbhut gnani adbhut gnan and adbhut anubhavo!!!

  2. aho aho ame keva punnysali....
    k ava dada mlya,aavu saras gnan malyu......
    adabhut adabhut adabhut.....
