Explore the world of Akram Vignan

Apt Sinchan Bhadran

25 sadhaks are presently doing Sadhna in Bhadran.

A typical day of sadhak is set as per below time table.

5.45 am Alarm time
6-6.40 am Charanvidhi
6.40-7.30 Cleaning of Room, class
7.30-8.00 Celibacy Book & vcd
8.00-8.30 Celibacy Samyeik
8.30-10.00 Personal time, breakfast
10.00-11.00 Classroom session- book, G.D.
11.00-12.00 Classroom session- vcd
12.00-1.00 Classroom session- samyeik
1.00-1.45 Lunch
1.45-2.15 Sewa in different dept
2.15-3.30 Cloth washing, rest
3.30-4.00 Tea
4.00-6.30 Fun n learn, presentation etc
6.30-7.00 Aarti in Mandir
7.00-7.30 Dinner
7.30-9.00 Experiences in sewa & other
9.00-9.30 Soneri Prabhat vcd
9.30-10.00 Samyeik
10.00-10.30 Reading
10.45 pm Lights out

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  1. Excellent we those who studying can also apply some wat like that excellent..!!!
    Dada - ma give them lot's of strength & even we go there soonn....!!!!

  2. Vivekbhai.. excellent point made!

    May Dada-Ma give infinite blessings to all the sadhaks for jagat kalyan!

  3. Badhu kriya ma nakhi didhu aa badha budhdhishadi jivo e.
    Akram mathi Kramic kari nakhyu chhe ane chhata sudharta nathi ane samajta nathi.
    Vignan ma kriya ave j nahi ane aa lokoe to system schedule kari nakhyu che.

    Kari kari ne to aj sudhi karyu ane ahiya pan karvanu.?

  4. file no 1 ni kyiya che & tamhe jova & jannara cho...after all file no 1 also has to become pure & innocent for moksh........this is how my file feels pl oblize by correcting my view so as to progress towards moksh.....as i am not a teacher but only expressing my view to learn & improve on my mistakes....jsca

  5. We need to have Aadhinta & Param Vinay for Gnani, if still we can not resist then should ask Gnani for clarification-true understanding-his vision instead of developing Abhipraays -wrong notion-prejudice-opinion.

    Many Jsca to all Mhts!!!

  6. Narmada ney pan bandh aney neharon ni jaroor padi gamey gaam paani pohochadwa... pachi Gyanganga kya baki rahi jai.?

  7. File no 1 ne to Schedule ma to raakhvanu ne.
    nahi to aa file no 1 to bija kasayo ma gusi jaay.
    ena kerta aa saadhak ko nu schedule che evu schedule badha MHT ne akarta thayee ne kervu joye..
    Atle aa Pudgal ne Mahavideh shetra ne layak thay.

    --Rajnish Chauhan.

  8. i am pained to note some strong opinions as it has been projected in a very indecent manner.

    i suggest that any comments of "Anonymous" caller/views should not be posted. The person must identify himself. Otherwise should not be entertained.


  9. jsca & thank u

    from many days this question about what scheule aaptkumar are following? was at back of my mind....good to see this post...and their schedule is excellent...samayiks, seva, satsang,...dada's agnan in anything and everything they do..dada j dada


  10. JSCA , બહુ પુણ્ય લાવીયા છે આ આપ્ત્ચિંચન ના ભાઈઓ અને બહેનો .મહાત્માની છે કોઈ જગ્યા અહી જવાની ?. બહુ કામ કાઢી લેશે આ જગ્યા માં જવાથી ,ધન્ય છે આ દાદા પરિવાર અને foundation ને .જગત કલ્યાણ ના mission ને આગળ વધારવા તૈયાર થઈરહી યા છે .

  11. No Any Doubt For APNA DADA MAHAN CHHE still DADA rocks dear.

  12. Respected Mahatmas
    I used to pray for any negative comment and as Niruma had said to go on doing work without getting disturbed by any adverse reaction as they will not be more than 5%.
    But as i could see that other mahatma feelings have also started getting affected, i have changed setting and now only somebody with google account can only post comments.

  13. DADA science is ultimate thing ever .
    and i do not have any doubt for this .
    this schedule is excellent ever .the last two ccomments"Apna dada mahan 6" and "wipe out negativity" was made by file no.1(By Relative VIEW Point"Ankit Shah")

  14. THanks for posting a typical day in the life of a sadhak at Apt Sinchan.....very nice indeed...may all of them receive Dada's krupa in abundance and attain the goal of Shudda Brahmacharya and Keval Gnan. Jai sat chit anand

  15. અપૂર્વ અવસર એવો ક્યારે આવશે...
    વિચરશું તેહ મહાપુરુષ ને પંથ જો...
    Awaiting for those days when file no-1 will come in regularity.

  16. જય સચ્ચિદાનંદ!
    આ રોજનું schedule બધા ભાઈઓને all rounder બનાવશે. બધા ક્ષેત્રોમાં માહિર....
    किसीने न देखा होगा, किसीने न सुना होगा!
    उन्हें देखने तरसेगी ये दुनिया, जब उनका दुनियामे पदार्पण होगा!!!

  17. Yum... Niyam...ney Sainyam na adbudj aa steps....!!!

  18. Monica Milwani - Jai Saccidanand to all and to the Dada's team. I am very grateful to the Internet team of Dada that they shared the schedule of Sadhak's. It makes me realize so many changes in my daily routine. 1st of all, what clicked me the most is to do Samayeik more. As I hardly do it once in a day. Secondly, I should also try this schedule, not exactly the same but I should add more of vcd sessions into my routine. I am so thankful to the team that after knowing such things, even we common Mahatma's can adapt this schedule for our own spiritual enhancement. I hope that the team will always post such things which will help us to grow in Dada's n moksh marg. Thank you.. Jai Sacchidanand.

  19. Jsca to all Mahatma
    Feeling overwhelmed by reading your comments showing your internal BHAV for file 1 to become regular and act as a helpful friend towards our goal..

  20. Are we as a group so fickle in our faith that a few negatives should sway us from our path of following 5 aagynyas.
    decent or indecent are personal views
    negativity and positivity are 2 sides of a coin.
    reading these is an exercise in following 5 aagynas as reader and writer of views is different from knower.

  21. Whatever popat-masti you want to do you can do but dont miss the (dada's)train when it signals to depart the station!!!

    Our dada bearing infinite strength and infinite compassion, he will bliss you at first notice itself.


  22. dada was once ready to pay 500 rs for a slap.negatives are like boils that need to be expressed and drained. fact that negative writer has to click on our blog to write shows deep down he loves dada .

  23. With great pleasure I am comenting that this type of schedule is very very important to exhaust karma speedily for file No.1 i.e Yaam(to decide for niyam), Ni yam(Regularized)and Saieyyam (sthirta). This schedule will keep all in Atma continuously and also refreshment during discharge of karma Vahvyar. Request to all mahatmas not to do SHANKA for any Adalaj activities even for any Prakati discharge of adalaj team as they are planning activities with assessing multi view points and after seeing VAVASHTHIT. TO THINK NEGATIVE IS DISCHARGE BUT TO COMENT IS GNAYANDOSH WHICH REQUIRE HUGE PRATIKRAMAN.

  24. What does "G.D." stand for in the schedule above?

  25. its a wonderful job doing sadhaks
    wonderfull place bhadran ....

  26. Please request to post Sinchan photos also which will be more helpful to us to motivate our own self in "Moxsh & Niyam"

  27. jsca,

    I am praying for all sadhako,passed in aptsinchan
    become tested and present themselves to the world for Jk and shaing as a dada's daimond.
    Raju from lowell

  28. JSCA Dimplebhai,

    Thanks for sharing.. We will get some good inputs for deciding our daily schedule...


  29. jsca
    I think that just like the colours of a rainbow all mahatmas have different understanding of gnan...but OUR MAIN GOAL IS TO HAVE ULTIMATE UNDERSTANDING LIKE DADA..HOW HE SAW THE WORLD FLAWLESS?..WHAT EXACT VISION HE HAD?...now if we keep our own independent understanding of gnan then no wonder which 'hole' of sansaar we may fall into...so in any path..both negative and positive will flourish...say jsca to both and MOVE AHEAD!...as dada says..kaam kadhi lo!

    nikhil tiwari,dubai

  30. can any one give me the DB programme place in surat or udhna? waiting for ur answer.Thanks!

  31. Naman, please call Viththalbhai at 0992 434 3455 and find out..I only had this number. He will assist further.

