A very touching Gnan ExperienceSharing a very touching experience after Gnanvidhi which a Mahatma sent to DadaBhagwan.org
Dear Webmaster,
I now know whose Mother…Read More
AartiPujyashree with sewarthi mhtm doing Swami & Dada Aarti in Jaipur. Pshree wishes to do Aarti in all sewarthi Satsang, shibir, GP, JJ, & Parayan…Read More
Ynet - Magazine for Youth
A quarterly magazine for youth "Ynet" has been launched in Gujarati and English language. The sewarthi team came to Vatsaliya for Pshree blessings an…Read More
Picture story (no audio)To a Question that "I become very restless that my charanvidhi is still pending, samyeik is pending etc which one should I do first?, Pshree expl…Read More
Apna Dada Mahan Che
Today would like to share some different experiences. So far was sharing experience related to Pujyashree, today thought to share experiences relate…Read More
Excellent! Aapna Dada Mahan che