Birmingham Gnanvidhi156 People took gnan in Birmingham near Atlanta. Satsang and Gnanvidhi was done for the first time in Birmingham. New Mahatma also got opp…Read More
Toronto Gnanvidhi150 people took Gnan in Toronto, the registration was more than 200 but exactly 1 hour before gnanvidhi there was a big thunderstorm which become one …Read More
Chicago Satsang and Gnanvidhi215 people took Gnan in Chicago. Lot of people came and thoroughly enjoyed satsang and gnanvidhi.
Some pics…..
Chicago Satsang and Gnanvidhi
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Visit to Sears Tower (now Willis tower)
Pujyashree went to iconic Sears Tower one of the tallest tower in region with mahatma coming regularly into weekly satsang. Years before Pujya Dada v…Read More
Akram Soldiers Shibir in USAIt is only Dada grace which we see flowing here in USA – (a land of maha maha maha….. Mohmayi) where many youngsters while studying have strong intent…Read More
Jsca. Mitesh.Vadodara