Jabalpur Gnanvidhi 415 people took Gnan in Jabalpur..
Lot of people from surrounding area who have been watching TV satsang from long time came for Gnanvidhi.
Man…Read More
Banglore GnanvidhiUnique event: 2 Gnanvidhi in 2 days.
500 people took Gnan in Banglore. Same story here, lot of Kutchi Patel in Gnanvidhi.
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Hubli Gnanvidhi750 people (plus 100+ unregistered who came little late) took Gnan in hubli. Recently a new group of "Kutchi Patel" have started coming to satsang and…Read More
Delhi Gnanvidhi400 people took Gnan in Delhi.
Delhi arrival from Dimple on Vimeo.
Delhi Bhakti from Dimple on Vimeo.
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Singapore Gnanvidhi 210 people took Gnan in Singapore. One mhtm from Malaysia who came to chennai for Gnanvidhi brought 25 other seekers from Malaysia for Gnanvidhi.
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હે દાદા જગ કલ્યાણ કરો. જય સચ્ચિદાનંદ.