Soneri Prabhat
Soneri Satsang 4-12-13
Funny sixers 😄
Q: when I do charanvidhi lot of thoughts come.
D: let it come, don't give attention.
Q: cannt it be stopped?
D: while you do charanvidhi, doesn't heart beats? Or you go for stopping heart beat? Lips, tongue is also moving, do you think of stopping them😄.
Q: I keep on advising people,
D: Wise people !gives (Ad)Wise 😄
Great examples
Q: dada says when extreme pain happens in any body part , soul moves away from it.
D: if you touch fired matchstick to a ice, that part get melts and freezing cold moves from that part. Same way soul moves away from that part.
But soul remains untouched by pain. Just like a person sitting in submarine is untouched by water.
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