450 children of Baby-Little-Young and Gurukul participated and made excellent performance thru shadow dance, dance drama wearing very nice costumes. Some photos of presentation, satsang, photo session and dinner.
Surat Janmjayanti30000 people came today. All spaces (satsang hall, theme park, children park, food court, unodari, book stall etc.) were totally chock a block. Turnou…Read More
Nairobi ShibirUnscheduled Gnanvidhi was organized on last day as there were many new seekers who because of great experiences of their relatives and friends, now wa…Read More
Surat JanmjyanatiThousands of Mahatma have come filling entire Gigantic Hall specially errected for celebrations. After first sesssion itself hall is getting extended …Read More
Diwali and New Year CelebrationMahatmas had come from all over and city is presently buzzing with presence of lot of Atmagnani Mahatma. Mandir hall was overflowing and lot of mahatm…Read More
Nairobi Shibir Traditional Masai WelcomeYouth dressed in Costumes of Different countries Singing "he dada jag kalyan karo....." with Pujyashree at the end of a very…Read More