Raleigh SatsangSatsang Highlights:"મને કોઈ દિવસ કોઈનો દોષ દેખાયો જ નથી. કોઈના નિમિતે મને દુખ લાગ્યુ જ નથી. આ દીપક નુ છે અને હુ શુદ્ધાત્મ છુ. દાદા નુ સાઇન્સ લૉજિકલી સ…Read More
Atlanta SatsangLot of new Mahatma on 1st day. Many more expected tomorrow for Gnanvidh. Satsang Highlights:Q : what means by Apadaan& Upadaan?D : If u climb 8th …Read More
Baltimore SatsangBaltimore Informal Satsang With Sewarthi MahatmaOverflowing Mahatma Everywhere…Read More
Raleigh Gnanvidhi100 (30 non-Gujarati) took gnan in Raleigh. Many mahatma (100+) r travelling with us to various centres. It feels great to see mhtm from ny, NJ, Lowel…Read More
Shri Dimple Bhai
ReplyDeleteBhale ame ma vaishnodevi na darshane nathi aavya pan tame amone dada's wolrd dwara badhi j information aapo chho.
Shri Dimple Bhai
ReplyDeleteBhale ame ma vaishnodevi na darshane nathi aavya pan tame amone dada's wolrd dwara badhi j information aapo chho.
Bhagwan jya rahevana hoy tya vyavastha nu puchhvanu j na hoy! pujyashree kahe chhe ne ke Jahojalaali sathe moxe javaanu....