Houston Gnanvidhi275 (90 non-gujarati) new seekers took GnanHave also uploaded many videos of different centres at dadabhagwan.org.http://satsang.dadabhagwan.org/Event…Read More
Milwaukee GnanvidhiIt was first visit at Milwaukee. As Pujya Deepakbhai cannot spend more than 1 day, a satsang by aptaputra was kept followed by Gnanvidhi. 115 (25 non …Read More
Chicago Gnanvidhi175 (25 english) took Gnan.Two strong american follower of an Indian Guru were not ready to take the gnan.Satsang sixer with them.Q: We have practised…Read More
Chicago SatsangAgain lot of new mahatmas on first day. Many new faces. It is really surprising to see how new people are getting pulled to Dada but they are coming i…Read More