This time satsang and Gnanvidhi for new seekers were not kept and instead arrangements were made for dada darbar, Bhakti and satsang with older mahatma.
Some photos......
Godhra Trimandir looking magnificent from all angles.
Dada darbar for godhra mhtm
Mhtm raising their finger showing their BHAV to do sincere sewa
Vaisnaodevi Yatra Pshree with 1200 mahatma went to Vaisnaodevi temple on the hills and asked for Ma blessings for complete purity and Jagatkakyan work.
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Akram Train Pshree went on Yatra to Vaisnaodevi, Haridwar and Manali in a special mahatma only Akram train with hundreds of mahatma (1200 mhtm). It was a unique …Read More
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