Surat Janmjayanti7000 people took Gnan. 30000 mahatma and new mumukshu came for darsan on last day. There were several experiences of Saurashtra Spirit where Guest is …Read More
Diwali and New Year CelebrationMahatmas had come from all over and city is presently buzzing with presence of lot of Atmagnani Mahatma. Mandir hall was overflowing and lot of mahatm…Read More
Surat Janmjayanti30000 people came today. All spaces (satsang hall, theme park, children park, food court, unodari, book stall etc.) were totally chock a block. Turnou…Read More
Dada Memorial at Surat StationPujya Deepakbhai did vidhi and prayers at Surat Station so that all hurdles in errecting a Dada Memorial is removed. Once all hurdles are cleared a ve…Read More
Surat JanmjyanatiThousands of Mahatma have come filling entire Gigantic Hall specially errected for celebrations. After first sesssion itself hall is getting extended …Read More
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