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Detailed Satsang in Germany

Excellent Satsang with German Mahatma. The quality of Answers were so high and that too in English that v can feel how Dada Siddhi is working. It showed exactness of vision of Pujya Deepakbhai. Explained in detail and with precision on subjects related to file 1in relative world, positive attitude in other religion and as in Akram, bhavna of jagatkalyan & to what extent etc.
One of the German Mahatma sang a very beautiful song with utmost devotion to Gnani. Link of video is http://satsang.dadabhagwan.org/Play.aspx?ID=103

All the sevarthi mahatma had a midnight feast with Pujya Deepakbhai and they fondly remembered days with Pujya Ma where it was a common thing to do at the end of big satsang.


  1. Thank you for starting this blog Dimplebhai. Excellent way to keep everyone in touch with current events.
    One suggestion, if I may. My mom had also seen this blog. But, had no idea that there were video links embedded within the blog. Can you please make them as hiperlink so normal viewer wouldn't have to copy and paste the link? Thank you. and JSCA

  2. Also,is there a way for you to upload the written words of the devotional song? It just sounded very beautiful.

  3. Jai Sat Chit Anand

    here is the poetry:

    Gnani mine, Gnani mine
    Every moment You be with me
    Pure and bright, Eternal Light
    Blessed is this home within me

    Blossoms of bliss may bloom and grow
    Bloom and grow for ever more
    Vidhi thine, surrender mine
    May it Be, the One, for all.

    Gnani mein, Gnani mein,
    jeden Moment bist du in mir,
    strahlend rein, ewiges Sein
    du und ich eins für immer

    Lass mich dich sehen
    in allem was ist,
    deine Liebe teilen,
    Gnani mein, Gnani mein
    du und ich eins für immer

    Long may You live to bless the world
    Free this world for ever Lord
    Gnani Mine Gnani Mine
    You and I are One within

    Let me see You in all I meet,
    Share this vision of Your love
    Flawless One, Flawless One,
    Let me see the flaws within

  4. Beautiful......

    Thank you!!
    Jai Sat Chit Anand.
