Explore the world of Akram Vignan

Chicago Satsang

Again lot of new mahatmas on first day. Many new faces. It is really surprising to see how new people are getting pulled to Dada but they are coming in large nos. Some are coming through TV, for some it was pleasant change in their relative, and for some it was just Miracle which brought them here. A white lady who have taken gnan in Milwaukee has sent email sharing her experience. She got a beautiful dream 3 years before in which a Person in White was giving her Fruit of Lotus to eat. After 3 years and after taking gnan when she came closer for Darsan she realised that person was no else but Deepakbhai Desai. She was full of emotions and asked for meaning of the dream. Deepakbhai said that Dada has made you Unannoited (નિર્લેપ) like lotus.

Many mahatma who have taken gnan in last 3-4 years have gone through a profound change in their life. The % of new mahatma (who have taken gnan in last 3-4 years) attending regular satsang has incresed three to five times. In every centre many new mahatma are coming for satsang. A big no. are coming for monthly satsang. Frequency of satsang has incresed to 2 to 3 times a week in many centres. The beautiful Gnan experience of new mahatma is bringing more and more new seekers and again their (seekers) gnan experience bring more new seekers. So can see Grace of Dada-Ma is covering all those who seeks to be Free.

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