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Experience of a German Mahatma

A very elderly German Mahatma (80 year) who came to London with his wife (married since last 57 years, Ek-Patnivrat) for gnanvidhi. He could barely understand English still took part in many satsangs through translation. He gave speech to the older German of his age about his experience in German. Given below is its english translation by using web translator which is not 100% correct.

We have an eventful trip behind us have won it many new insights, but also much of our thinking since Food for thought 2010 / London / Isle of Wight pages 
We went in a different culture and develop new experiences there, old-covers. What is natural for these people - namely, the rebirth of the soul in a new body - is for many Europeans still hard to imagine. What was up to the year 555 of course and all people lived in the certainty of being born again, this doctrine was brutally taken from all the documents of the church. And it was a punishable offense to spread this theory further.
So it came to the doctrine practiced for centuries of Christian churches, that there is no rebirth, and can not give. Man lives only once and then no more, preach the Catholic and Evangelical Protestant Church. That's true for the body, but not for the soul. This is immortal and we should carefully deal with it. We were also aware of the difference between reality and absolute reality.
We were in good company of devout Hindus, who are brought up according to the teachings of Buddha and Krishna and raised.
Very disciplined and considerate to each other and we all went was light-skinned Euro-päern appropriate respect brought forward by respectfully bowed and held his hands closed over his chest and bowed. Each time a smile flitted over the faces, was so often said: You're welcome, stranger. You are warmly welcomed here in our community. This warmth and kindness was felt all the time. When in the course of days yet known, was that my wife and I are over 80 years old and already engaged for 57 years and now 56 years are married, the reverence scarcely knew limits. They had apparently never experienced that Europeans were interested in this age of their engagement and way of life.
We soon had the feeling to belong to these people that we never before seen or known, let alone knew of their attitude and their attitude.
A wave of community and togetherness pleasant we collect now, the more often we flocked to seminars.
What are unusual and very strange at first was that all the speakers, the Deepakbhai concentrated. Deepakbhai seems one sent by God
Personality to be, which has a supernatural order, in the sense of the divine promise, to show people the ways in which they can and should go.
Deepakbhai is a very polite, reserved, intelligent man who has an unusual appearance and the people with his remarks in his spell prefers to proselytize without. It just shows the things that are absolutely important to know to know and act accordingly to.
All the questions asked in the course of the seminars, he has brilliantly answered with examples from everyday life.
Tracks were also in the national course for us, very strange, but reminded of the songs of the Christian churches. Only we could understand a word. The content of these religious songs remained alien to us and we were only on the basis of facial expression and behavior more closely empathize with us seated human, what it is in the content is. It was the worship of God in a pure way, as we know from our churches.
In the end, all targeted to the fact that we all understand "PURE SOULS be. These pure souls are burdened by nothing and by nothing and completely free and unfettered.
Our efforts, based on our life consultants - training which includes many elements of these findings, we have not since been able to pass this teaching in its entirety. We hope that through this experience, can do more for our fellow human beings. Interior showing the paths that are possible and everyone can go.
May God give us the strength for us and all people we meet, can do more than it is us in the past have been possible.
Fritz Breidenbach, April 2010


  1. Beautifull....

  2. Jai Sat Chit Anand
    well translation - the essence is well transported
    Hey Dada Jag Kalyan Karo
    in deepest gratitude and devotion
