Explore the world of Akram Vignan

The making of Dada Darshan

Would like to share some of the very interesting history attached – showing how the grace of Gnani purush & Dev-Devi  works beautifully for JK work.

When land was shown, we all thought it is very interior and not suitable for our purpose, but Niruma liked the land and said that wherever there is a combination of river and simandhar swami facing it from the height, there will be presence of Padmavati Ma – Which we all now feel and experience. Due to riverfront development now we will be located at most strategic and picturesque location.

Originally basement was dug but didn't get permission, so had to re-fill it. But because of basement beams were tied in plinth which was not general practice at that time. That tie-beam played a very important role in building not collapsing during earthquake which was occupied at that time by presence of Pujyashree. So sometimes what seems as mistake initially turns out to be Dev-Devi blessing in disguise.

When it was inaugurated we were told that Swami Chetna has been bestowed on murti and this murti of swami will see that 24 big temples is built. We were also told that we will not be able to live beneath as a result of Swami Chetna. Both proved to be correct as we moved on to simandhar city in short time and also could see the pace of temple construction become very fast. 

When we moved in the river which we were facing was totally dry getting filled by city drainage with awful smell and full of small flying insects which would blacken the whole white wall during evening. There were even lot of unlawful activities going on river bed like illegal booze making, killing during riots, burning of each other zupadpattis etc. Once, a very senior officer of municipality came to meet Niruma and upon inquiring he said that this place will remain like this and there is no chance of water coming to river. After he left Pujya Niruma said let people say whatever but as Bhagwan has come all Jahojalali (big wealth) will follow and we will see water coming into river very soon. True to her words in short time government started RIVERFRONT project and today the whole place (a stretch of 15 miles) has transformed into a nice flowing water and soon to be completed garden, walking track, shopping mall, restaurant etc.

Attaching some present photos.


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