Explore the world of Akram Vignan

Bhilai Satsang

In 2003, 3 mahatma after watching Tv came to simandhar city to take gnan from Niruma. They then started doing satsang and shared their gnan experience with many in the city, a city which came up in 1960s because of a steel plant of Government. Lot of people got attracted to Gnan after hearing their experience and then the next lot of mahatma came to Indore for gnanvidhi and then every time gnanvidhi was arranged in Simandhar City few will come specially to take Gnan.

This is the first time Pujyashree is coming to Bhilai and yesterday entire hall was full with new seekers.


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Here again like Mombasa, Pujyashree is considered as State Guest and given VIP status for his travel, accommodation etc.


  1. excellent!!!!!!

  2. Excellent,,,,Excellent,,,,,,


  3. Aapana Pujyashree to vitarag che bas have to Pujyashree jeva thavuche

  4. this is awesome......

  5. dada aapka jadu har jagah cha gaya....
