Explore the world of Akram Vignan

Celibacy Shibir–Boys

250 boys (Aptputra, Aptkumar, Aptsincha, boys following celibacy from various centers) got unique Gnan keys to observe Purity in Celibacy and to overcome one of the most important obstacle in the path of complete experience of Self.  New satsang formats were introduced to give them maximum understanding of Gnan.


1) Celibacy book reading and explanation and Q & A session with Pujyashree, most important and most profound.

2) Group discussion conducted by Aptputra in group of 25-30.

3) Personal discussion where Aptputra will do personal coaching with each bhramchari boy who had given their progress report.

Every night session was handled by bhramchari boys themselves where they performed different activities like drama, bhakti. introduction etc.

A small trailer showing their spirit and sense of freedom after understanding unique celibacy keys from Pshree.


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