Explore the world of Akram Vignan

Surat Gnanvidhi

1500 mahatma took gnan in Surat.

Couple of nice experiences…..

By the divine grace we could put Dada stall at the Surat Railway Station (Place Where Dada got realization in 1958.) All Dada material is available there and mostly non mahatma who travels thru train takes benefit of getting dada material from there. Mahatma in 2 batch gives sewa at the stall. They were sharing nice experiences…

Once a seeker was buying books from the stall and suddenly his train started. He in hurry tried to get on the moving train but slipped and fell below in the pit between train and platform. Whole train passed while he was still in pit. Stall mahatma started praying to Dada for his safety but which seemed highly unlikely. Due to his karma and grace he came out of the pit with little injury and he was then sharing with stall mahatma that i was saved due to grace of Dada. 

Yesterday 15 coolies came to take gnan. Many coolies start the day by coming to stall and praying to dada. 
One mahatma was sharing that coolie on seeing people in white dress first inquire whether you are Dada mahatma and if answer is affirmative then refuses to take money . 

A mahatma was sharing that he used to drink a lot before gnan. But after Gnanvidhi his drinking automatically stopped and looking at change in him his whole group of 500 (many heavy drinkers like him) has already taken gnan. Most of them are regularly asking for strength to come out of their bad habit. 

A mahatma was sharing that on his visit to Belgium (many diamond merchant in diamond city) his purse with money inside got lost, he immediately could remember Dada aagna and with ease had Daal-Bhat  (in belgium!!) (Rice-Curry) in dinner and went to sound sleep. Even in his business in surat he before gnan used to fight and beat and get his due back but after gnan  he now tries casually and if money is not recovered then Celebrates. 


  1. if it is really than each station in India should posses at least one DADA'S stall for books etc,,
    just over this Dimplebhai....

  2. Dada used to say "ascharya" ni parampara sarjashe.

    Is this the begining!!!!!!

    Jay Ho Dada...

