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Tenerife Satsang after Gnanvidhi

Satsang highlights:

Gnan experience after Gnanvidhi
I was having some issue then I saw one flyer about Gnanvidhi. So attended Yday Gnanvidhi and it was wonderful experience. At the time of sleeping I said "soy alma" (I am soul) instead of soy alma puro then immediately slept. In the middle of night I woke up and I corrected myself and started soy alma puro. It was wonderful experience in morning.

This experience may not remain continuous. Our belief is 100% changed but we may not keep awareness always because we have brought karmas. So awareness may come and go but belief is completely changed. How to increase awareness by following 5 principles and seeing our own (file 1) fault and not anybody else fault. As our faults decreases our awareness will increase, our experience of soul will increase.

Q: who charges new karma? I think soul doesn't charge karma, even mind body speech also doesn't charge as they r getting finished at the time of death.
D: you are correct soul doesn't charge but in ignorance you don't have knowledge that you are soul and you wrongly believe that I am this body, I have spoken and that is the subtlest ego and it charges karma. 2 wrong belief I am Martin and I am doing it and that is how karma charges. So by wrong belief when karma is charged it creates causal body and at the time of death causal body (with electrical body and soul) goes to another body as effective body and gives effect as mind, body and speech. By practicing 5 principe we stop charging new karmas.

Q: during sleep if we dream then do we charge new karma?
D: no dream is discharge karma. There are 4 discharge karmas, strongest comes thru body action, less stronger than that thru speech, less thru thoughts and lightest discharge is thru dream.

Q: during Gnanvidhi or reacting charanvidhi I feel fear why?
D: that ego is getting fear as its power is going to go.

Q: if people are having problem I would not like to help them as let them go thru their karma.
D: if they are your family member you should have intention to solve their problem without doer ship and then let SCE takes care of it but your intention to help is reqd for family members and for those if they are not family then prayer for them.

Q: if everything is vyavasthit then where the question of pratikraman comes?
D: yes but how such vyavasthit has come, we have done some mistake in past (in form of bad opinion) as a result file 1 has created some hurt to others now. By pratikraman 2 things happen, 1)we are asking sorry to another person so that he will not take revenge on us and 2) our opinion is cleared

Q: how to have superior love with a person?
D: Not to have expectation
Not to hurt person
Not to have negativity for person.
Not to talk about negative about that person with another person
If such things comes then ask fie 1 to do pratikraman.
Still if you want to increase Love then ask that person to come to satsang.

Some photos of Pshree informal time with Spanish and German mahatma where Dadai garba was done at village center, all mahatma had lunch together with Pshree, Pshree visiting mahatma home etc...

Video of Dadai garba in Tenerife village


  1. Niche Namine Namaskar Karuchhu mara bhadaran wala dada ne...

    Simandhar Swami Dada ne Shire, amare shire dada re kaal kone dithi chhe...

    Hey dada Jag kalyaan karo...

  2. Wonderful garba! File one wishes she was there!
