Explore the world of Akram Vignan

Canada and Illinois informal time

Posting link to Talking Photo.

Q: Dada used to go to Mahavidehkshetra to ask question to swami, can you also go to ask question?
D: Where those kind of questions are coming now that I have to go there.

Informal session & picnicwith Canada mahatma
Tent of Jagatkalyan
Bye, we are going with Pujyashree.

Skype satsang with mahatma in gigantic hall.
Informal session with Illinois mahatma in cruise
Akram Captain



  1. Arjun na Sarthi hata Bhagwan Shri Krishna...em apna Akram Rath Na sarthi chhe pujyashree deepakbahi.........

  2. pujyashri is walking with two children on either side. "carry me home"!!!likewise, we all are also around pujyashri so that we can also be carried home! 'sudhatma!!
