Explore the world of Akram Vignan


Good experience would like to share
One Chinese mhtm searched for "Bhramcharya" on internet and found out dadabhagwan website and then he came for Gnanvidhi and today asked Pshree about how to proceed in Celibacy.
One mhtm from Los Angeles was looking for spirituality. He closed his business and started tour of Asian countries and was in Bangkok. He searched for "self realization " and found out from our website about Pshree current visit to SINGAPORE, he then came for Gnanvidhi and today asked good question.
Pshree visit to jain temple in Singapore.



  1. kudrat gehuno daana chun rahi hai. lucky all who got ,will get and who have the knowlege of bhed-vigyan. varsi rahe varsi rahe gnani ni krupa sau par varasi rahe..... jsca.

  2. one request is please upload quite big leanght of videos of pujashree.. lots of thanks for uploading updates and videos of dear pujashree.. Highest namaskar . jsca.
