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Sewarthi session

Sewarthi session

2700 Sewarthi who worked tirelessly for the JJ event had great opportunity to share their experience and get Gnan keys in sewa from Pshree.

Listing few Awesome experiences of dedication, grace, sincerity, and sewa without kashay.

There was lot water logging on ground and rain was not stopping. It was found impossible to hold this event as accommodation for 10000 mhtm and food for 25000 had to be arranged. Farmer mhtm from surrounding village and towns came with their tractor and other heavy equipments and gave sewa continuously for 1 month and didn't go to their land for taking care of crops as they were saying that Dada will take care of our crops. They used tractor for this event and for their agriculture needs they took tractor on hire and paid rent.

Mhtm went to 106 school and did presentation of Dada to 50000 childrens. Childrens from 27 school came and gave excellent presentation based on saints, Gnani, bhakti in amphitheater specially created for event.

Some Sewarthi experiences :

Before event there were lot of snakes roaming on the ground and they were being caught by Sewarthi in sack and they they were released in far jungle. But during event no untoward incident happened.

The Sewarthi who was catching snakes shared in aa humorous way, "I can catch all animals except humans but Dada is catching humans (their ego). To catch humans it is very difficult only dada can do it.

In past I never used to get leave from my job and I would hardly come for 1-2 day during such grand event. This time I got sewa and luckily my senior manager came to this event. He was so impressed by things here that next day an imp audit work came and my manager called me that imp work has come but you have taken lot of responsibilities so don't need to come and from next year onwards take leave and go to JJ celebration for sewa.

Old women mhtm did excellent various sewa. Wherever they were called in kitchen, in accommodation and even for picking up thorns and small pebble from ground they would readily go and never complain.

I hv observed that Lot of care and respect of senior mhtm is being taken in our events.

There was not a single incident of theft, things getting lost even though 10000 people stayed together and 100000 people were visiting everyday for 5 days. Atmosphere was such that even small children were returning gold ornaments which they find on ground which itself is unusual and miraculous.

Pshree sixer:

One Sewarthi was sharing that new people were saying that we are very surprised that there is no charge for so many sewa here.

Pshree: Here "Charge has been stopped" so no charge.😄

An excellent experiences of dream ( intellect cannt argue):

A lady who took Gnan yesterday got dream before 1 year that she was raosting Shiro amidst jungle. At that time She was not aware about Dada, satsang, Gnan. Exactly like dream she was roasting Sukhadi at the same place which she saw in dream dusting JJ celebration.

A mhtm who was smoking 8 packs of cigarette daily got Dada in dream and dada told him do you want to leave smoking? If yes leave it at a stroke and nothing will happen to you. He stopped and exactly as dada said no after effect.

A very old mhtm who was hospitalized and was praying to Dada that I want yo take part in JJ. Dada came into dream and told him that you will be allright and you will have to do sewa in JJ. Exactly he did lot of sewa.



  1. Amazing... Apda Dada Mahan Che !!

  2. હે દેવ દેવીઓ,પુ.નિરૂમા ! સીમંધર સ્વામી અને દાદાના આ જગત કલ્યાણના મીશન માટે પુજયશ્રી દ્વારા સર્વે મહાત્માઓને કસાઇ રહીત સેવા કરવાની શક્તિ આપો,શક્તિ આપો;શક્તિ આપો. જય સચ્ચિદાનંદ.

  3. jsca ,i have no world for dada.BUT " AAPNA DADA MAHAAN CHE"..............................
