Pujya Deepakbhai tied Rakhi to our ultimate savior in presence of thousands of mahatma and prayed to Dada to protect us from all kashays and impurities until Moksh.
Raleigh Satsang400 People took Gnan in Raleigh. Mahatma did very extensive prachar work in different communities and surrounding area. Lot of people from surrounding…Read More
Dadabhagwan Iphone APP Great news for all … Dadabhagwan app for iphone and ipad is available publicly on app store on following link http://itunes.apple.com/…Read More
Philadelphia Satsang325 people took Gnan in Philadelphia. Hundreds of Mahatma came from far places and different states. First 2 days were reserved for Mahatma so they ca…Read More
Jacksonville ShibirIn order to give opportunity to old mahatma a shibir (no gnanvidhi) was planned which was attended by 300+ mahatma from florida and other surrounding …Read More
Oh! my Gnani may your science remain Amar. Dada you did not give me only moksha but also give me the gift to how live life. I didnt knew how to live life i was living like an animal but since dada came all things turned around i started to live like a bliss that has never happened in my dream. Koti koti salutions to those who have took care of dada and dada's science. Uttam
Oh! my Gnani may your science remain Amar. Dada you did not give me only moksha but also give me the gift to how live life. I didnt knew how to live life i was living like an animal but since dada came all things turned around i started to live like a bliss that has never happened in my dream. Koti koti salutions to those who have took care of dada and dada's science.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfdPNADLmh4 Please visit this website and show to Pujya Shri