Pujya Deepakbhai tied Rakhi to our ultimate savior in presence of thousands of mahatma and prayed to Dada to protect us from all kashays and impurities until Moksh.
Gondal sewarthi Satsang:
Few Mahatma had made up their mind that when Pshree will come they will give up bad habits of tobacco, cigarette etc. They took the vow today.
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1550 people took Gnan in gondal
Gnan Vidhi at 6 centres. Centres are 40 km apart (Jamnagar& Dhrol), (Upleta gondal and RAJKOT) still at every centrer many people took Gnan.
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Oh! my Gnani may your science remain Amar. Dada you did not give me only moksha but also give me the gift to how live life. I didnt knew how to live life i was living like an animal but since dada came all things turned around i started to live like a bliss that has never happened in my dream. Koti koti salutions to those who have took care of dada and dada's science. Uttam
Oh! my Gnani may your science remain Amar. Dada you did not give me only moksha but also give me the gift to how live life. I didnt knew how to live life i was living like an animal but since dada came all things turned around i started to live like a bliss that has never happened in my dream. Koti koti salutions to those who have took care of dada and dada's science.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfdPNADLmh4 Please visit this website and show to Pujya Shri