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Celibacy Shibir for Boys

Celibacy Shibir which is held twice in a year was attended by 200 new and old bhramcharis. New boys were sharing their celibacy experience that power of such shibir remains very strong upto 3-4 month as many are still studying or working in outside environment and then as soon celibacy strength starts waning again such shibir is held and again they become Super Strong for their celibacy. They feel that it is only the "Love" of Dada-Ma-Bhai by which they don't feel any attractions toward outside happiness.

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  1. Jai satchitanand ! Dimple bhai.
    I want take Bramhachariya diksha.What can I do for this?

  2. JSCA to all bhramcharies!!!!

    Age badho, Dada-Ma with you...

  3. Hi shakti,Pls cont Devenbhai for Sinchan - krupesh

  4. One day world will be a peaceful place with so many men being bramhacharies.
    First and very important step in the path of liberation.

    JSCA....From USA.

  5. how do i become a bramachari,,wat r the requirements???

  6. baheno ni pan shibir kai kam nahoti... shu karuna hati emani... e prem joi ne j thay chhe k bahar nu a kacharo joito j nathi....

    aa prem ne dhanya chhe...
