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Sewarthi shibir with center co-ordinators

This was first time a 2day sewarthi shibir for center co-oridinators was held in presence of Pujyashree. 250 mahatma representing 80 centers of Gujarat and some centers of Hindi states attended the shibir. Pujyashree gave many unique keys and examples to bring Abhedta and Prem Swarup amongst all co-ordinators. He also stressed that aptputros, co-ordinators and swarthis has to be Pure (Kai j joytu nathi - don't need anything of relative) as they are the ones who are going to serve Dada Meal (gnan) to the world and one who is serving has to remain clean as otherwise people will not feel like eating the food they are serving. He also explained that now it is needed that we should organize such events that those who has already taken Gnan (old mahatma) gets further Gnan Nourishment.

A strong mahatma who is also a leading management consultant gave many insights about how to handle different prakrutis with positive attitude, how to bring about changes in existing culture, team work in departments, the importance of training etc. As he is very well versed with Dada science through books and videos, he presented management principles through Dada science and example and hence mahatma found it easy to understand.

All co-ordinators were overwhelmed by Pujyashree bhavna and prayed to Dada-Ma that we become such that we can share the great work which Pujyashree is carrying on at present. It was also decided that such shibir will be held once every year.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPa


  1. nice, something new.... good

  2. Hope and pray that such shibirs are also held in foreign countries like America. Will be beneficial to so many people.

    JSCA from USA.

  3. JSCA....

    Very good news!!!All center co-ordinators are doing hard work of DADA'S JK.. JSCA to all center co-ordinator.Dada-Ma with all of you.

    JSCA from Chicago

  4. one of the imp. topics were parivartan,wow it is most welcome,
    please start with giving kapat gita to all wmhts
    with more relaxed rules than the old rigid rules.
    It is so simple but so effective.that every morning i read the kapat gita first and then the charan vidhi which has so many big big words i mean big - heavy meaningwise and not lengthwise.

  5. please give kapat gita to all women mahatmas who are desperate to come out of stree prakruti,mht like me who are unable to attend shibir because of antaray

  6. May All Leaving Beings Attain knowledge Of the Self.

  7. Hey guys, I believe in part what you do and in part, I don't I'm afraid! I believe all religions are equal until you drag them to levels of fanatisism!
    My dear sister is a follower of Dadabhagwan but I feel she has resorted to this as a last salvation port. All she talks about is her moksh and afterlife when she still has a good 40 years of ahead of her prime life to live.
    She wears white and does all her prayers religiously, but when it comes to her true family, we are all regarded as acquirreres of sin and deceit because I have a family of my own to support and ailing parents who want to satisfy both our wants.
    I find pleasure in feeding a hungry dog and she finds pleasure being locked away from society doing charan vidhi! Who is right and who is wrong?

  8. No Man is an ISLAND, we all need each other to survive! Even Crusoe had to have a slave or a football to live alone whatever you believe, fiction or FACT.
