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Dwarka Sewarthi Shibir

Sewarthi shibri for entire Saurashtra region has been kept at Dwarka. 450 Sewarthi has come for Jackpot of their life time. Pshree visited famous temple of Dwarkadhirsh (Krishna Bhagwan) where most of priests, officers, trustees were watching TV satsang and they felt overwhelmed by presence of Pshree. They gave a guided tour of entire temple premises with a very rich history. Archeologically Dwarka is very famous as many remains of Ancient Golden City which Lord Krishna created before 5000 years and which subsequently got submerged in sea are regularly found under the sea.

Shibir is greatly enjoyed by all mahatma as this time only those mahatma who have never asked question before are given chance to ask and thereby they can get unique opportunity to make divine contact with their Gnani.

Some of the photos (Mahatma anand karo…..)


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  1. JSCA JK work is going great.I pray to Nature that it keeps GNani always alive DADABHAGWAN ASIM JAY JAY KAR HO

  2. JSCA Deepakbhai and all MHTS. Keep doing great work..for many many more years to come and do JK

  3. kanudo kanuda na darshan karva jay,,,

  4. for that Mahatma who suggest the error on blog.


    Now the blog problem is solved.

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  5. 1pic = > 1000 words, so pl keep on posting more pics. JSCA!!
