Aston Satsang (Manchester)Pujya Deepakbhai is coming to this side of the country after many years. Pujya Ma and Deepakbhai had visited and roamed the area for satsang before ma…Read More
Leicester Gnanvidhi80 People (20 English) took gnan in Leicester. Entire hall was overflowing with old mahatma who had come from far places. Since 2004 Pujya Ma and Deep…Read More
Pujyashree at AirportThese kind of scenes (mahatma all over ) is seen in every airport whether Pujyashree is leaving (ahmedabad), changing plane (Mumbai) or Arriving (Lond…Read More
Uk Satsang200 mahatma came at London Airport to welcome Pujyashree, airport, terminal being converted into satsang hall. Yesterday was 1st day of satsang at Lei…Read More
Sewarthi shibir with center co-ordinatorsThis was first time a 2day sewarthi shibir for center co-oridinators was held in presence of Pujyashree. 250 mahatma representing 80 centers of Gujara…Read More
Beautiful relaxed atmosphere with wonderful energy. May all this that is happening, help the struggling human beings in the Middle East. Jai Sat Chit Anand.
Beautiful relaxed atmosphere with wonderful energy. May all this that is happening, help the struggling human beings in the Middle East. Jai Sat Chit Anand.
ReplyDeletepresence of gyaani increases the gyaan and separation from the gyaani sharpens the gyaan.....