Banglore GnanvidhiUnique event: 2 Gnanvidhi in 2 days.
500 people took Gnan in Banglore. Same story here, lot of Kutchi Patel in Gnanvidhi.
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Jabalpur Gnanvidhi 415 people took Gnan in Jabalpur..
Lot of people from surrounding area who have been watching TV satsang from long time came for Gnanvidhi.
Man…Read More
Delhi Gnanvidhi400 people took Gnan in Delhi.
Delhi arrival from Dimple on Vimeo.
Delhi Bhakti from Dimple on Vimeo.
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Kanpur Gnanvidhi345 people took Gnan. Extraordinary experience today. Almost all new mahatma were totally engrossed in saying Gnan sentences. There was total synchron…Read More
Bharuch Gnanvidhi2700 people took Gnan in Bharuch during JJ.
2700 people took Gnan in Bharuch from Dimple on Vimeo.
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AMAZING event!!!! Such bliss prevailed every minute of every day. All local mahatmas performing seva and ensuring each old/new mahatma was able to put their full attention to Pujyashree's and Dimplebhai's satsangs for maximum benefit. Indeed it felt like a mini-shibir. How lucky we all are in NJ!!!
AMAZING event!!!! Such bliss prevailed every minute of every day. All local mahatmas performing seva and ensuring each old/new mahatma was able to put their full attention to Pujyashree's and Dimplebhai's satsangs for maximum benefit. Indeed it felt like a mini-shibir. How lucky we all are in NJ!!!