Apt Sinchan Bhadran 25 sadhaks are presently doing Sadhna in Bhadran.
A typical day of sadhak is set as per below time table.
5.45 am Alarm time
6-6.40 am C…Read More
Godhra Gnanvidhi & Clinic Opening 725 people took Gnan in GODHRA.
Opening ceremony for Amba health clinic in godhra was done by Pujyashree. At present the clini…Read More
Surat Gnanvidhi
1500 mahatma took gnan in Surat.
Couple of nice experiences…..
By the divine grace we could put Dada stall at the Surat Railway St…Read More
W-Mht shibir3555 Women (Shakti) Mahatma has come for ongoing W-Mht shibir for 3 days where Satsang will be done on how to come out from Prakruti.
Mahatma have c…Read More
Godhra SatsangOverflowing mahatma in GODHRA Satsang. Based on last satsang tent size was decided but it needed to be extended. The effect of Mandir and Lord Simandh…Read More
Very Nice, Jai Satchitanand!