Swami Pratistha at SydneyPujyashree did Pranpratistha of many murtis (which will b taken by Mahatma to their home) of Simandhar Swami and other few murtis at Minto Mandir.…Read More
New Zealand Satsang Many new seekers (more than 50% new seekers were unknown to local sewarthi) came for satsang on both days. They were unknown to sewarthi but were wa…Read More
Tv Interview (hindi), SydneyPujya Deepakbhai gave Interview to a Local Popular TV Channel. It was done in a kitchen which was quickly convered into make shift Studio. …Read More
Auckland Gnanvidhi 180 people took Gnan which was well beyond expectation of everybody looking to small Indian population. Nobody except Dada has idea from where all …Read More
Very Nice, Jai Satchitanand!