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A nice experience of Dada Gnan

Yesterday in Godhra a non mahatma family lost a bag consisting money and gold ornaments (full marriage season) which was found by a mahatma teenager. He contacted them as their mobile was also in the bag and returned their bag. The family were overjoyed and offered to reward teenager which he refused. On their insistence our mahatma teenager said ok give me Rs. 50, I will put it in Dada Bhagwan temple. On further inquiry they found out that boys at such young age are following Dada principle and were so impressed that immediately they also went to our temple in GODHRA for darshan.

As Dada said mahatma will be instrumental in Kalyan of half world.
"Apna Dada Mahan Che".


  1. Superb example of humanity

  2. JSCA - this is amazing to know that in this Kalyug, somebody could do that and especially when a young boy did such a noble and great gesture. In today's era, when rest of the world is going towards deep darkness, our mahatma's are setting examples and giving that strength of understanding that still we all can stop ourselves from drowning down.. This all is dada's miracle.. Humare dada mahaan hain..

  3. JAI SAT CHIT ANAND!!!!! Dadai purity may pread across the whole world.............. J.K. Ho, J.K. Ho......

  4. Excellent example of dada's Gnan...

  5. Each mahatma is unique & the best will surely come out from them.
    After all its Dada Power working through mahatmas
    in "svyam Kriyakari" mode...


  6. Gyaan was in knowing what happened... jsca
