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Bhavnagar special GNC session

A special session for GNC kids was kept at Bhavnagar. Today being Pujya Ma 70th birthday all presentation were based on Niruma. L-Mht and Y-Mht boys & girls very nicely presented dance on Niruma pad, poem on Niruma, and Mithi Yade on Niruma.


Kids then had a great opportunity to do satsang with Pshree where they asked nearly 40-50 questions.

Some Highlights:

Q: I distributed Satsang pamphlet to my friends. Some of them made fun of it and thrown it into dustbin.

D: it's ok. V hv to understand they don't hv value of Atma. Do u know if v give diamond to a shepherd what he will do, he will not hv any value and will consider as a stone and tie it around his neck. If same diamond is given to jeweler he will make optimum value.

Q: How far is God from us?

D: Nearest.! God is most nearest to you. And your file 1 (ego) is furtherest from you.

Some photos of kids presentation, cake by GNC etc.


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